Project Bibliography
Section 4:
Books and article references
- Alanen, Y. O. (2009). Towards a more humanistic psychiatry: Development of need‐adapted treatment of schizophrenia group psychoses. Psychosis, 1(2), 156–166.
- American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).
- Arciniegas, D. B. (2015). Psychosis. Continuum, 21(3), 715–736.
- Ayano, G., Demelash, S.,Yohannes, Z., Haile, K., Tulu, M., Assefa, D., Tesfaye, A., Haile, K., Solomon, M., Chaka, A., & Tsegay, L. (2021). Misdiagnosis, detection rate, and associated factors of severe psychiatric disorders in specialized psychiatry centers in Ethiopia. Annals of General Psychiatry, 20
- Brancati, G. E., Tripodi, B., Novi, M., Barbuti, M., Medda, P., & Perugi, G. (2021). Association of treatment facets, the severity of manic symptoms, psychomotor disturbances and psychotic features with response to electroconvulsive therapy in bipolar depression. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 22(3), 194–202.
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- DeRobertis, E. M. (2021). The humanistic revolution in psychology: Its inaugural vision. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 6 (1) 8-32
- Gureje, O., Appiah-Poku, J., Bello, T., Kola, L., Araya, R., Chisholm, D., Esan, O., Harris, B.,Makanjuola, V., Othieno, C., Price, L. & Seedat, S. (2020). Effect of collaborative care between traditional and faith healers and primary healthcare workers on psychosis outcomes in Nigeria and Ghana (COSIMPO): A cluster randomized controlled trial. The Lancet, 396(10251), 612–622.
- Hahn, P. D. (2019). Soteria house and open dialogue therapy. Madness and Genetic Determinism (pp. 149–154). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hamner, M. B., Faldowski, R. A., Ulmer, H. G., Frueh, B. C., Huber, M. G., & Arana, G. W. (2003). Adjunctive risperidone treatment in post-traumatic stress disorder: A preliminary controlled trial of effects on comorbid psychotic symptoms. International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 18(1), 1–8.
- Hansen, J. T. (2006). Humanism as ideological rebellion: Deconstructing the dualisms of contemporary mental health culture. The Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development, 45(1), 3–16.
- Harper, D. J. & Cromby, J. (2022). From ‘what’s wrong with you?’ to ‘what’s happened to you?’: An introduction to the special issue on the power threat meaning framework. The Journal of constructivist Psychology, 35 (1), 1-6
- Heijnen, W. T., Birkenhäger, T. K., Wierdsma, A. I., & van den Broek, W. W. (2010). Antidepressant pharmacotherapy failure and response to subsequent electroconvulsive Therapy: A meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 30(5), 616–619.
- Johnstone, L. & Boyle, M. (2018). The power threat meaning framework: An alternative nondiagnostic conceptual system. The Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 1-18
- Joseph, S. M., & Siddiqui, W. (2021). Delusional disorder. NCBI resources.
- Kasperek-Zimowska, B., Giguere, M., Bednarek, A., Żochowska, A., & Sawicka, M. (2020). Positive psychotherapy for psychosis–An innovative approach in the rehabilitation of patients suffering from schizophrenia. Psychiatria Polska, 54(4), 701–714.
- Kopelovich, S. L., Nutting, E., Blank, J., Buckland, H. T., Spigner. C. (2021). Preliminary point prevalence of cognitive behavioral therapy for psychosis (CBTp) training in the U.S. and Canada. Psychosis.
- Lysaker, P. H., Gagen, E., Moritz, S., & Schweitzer, R. D. (2018). Metacognitive approaches to The treatment of psychosis: A comparison of four approaches. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 11, 341–351.
- Nelson, B., Torregrossa, L., Thompson, A., Sass, L. A., Park, S., Hartmann, J. A., ... & Alvarez-Jimenez, M. (2021). Improving treatments for psychotic disorders: Beyond cognitive behavior therapy for psychosis. Psychosis, 13(1), 1–7.
- Pinto, K. C., & Pinto, S. (2019). Converging through difference: A case of empathic incongruence in treatment of an elderly woman with psychosis. Journal of Aging Studies, 51, 100797.1-6
- Reichenberg, A., Velthorst, E., & Davidson, M. (2019). Cognitive impairment and psychosis in schizophrenia: Independent or linked conditions? World Psychiatry, 18(2), 162.-163.
- Sass, L. (2019). Three dangers: Phenomenological reflections on the psychotherapy of psychosis. Psychopathology, 52(2), 126–134.
- Scholl, M. B., Ray, D. C., & Brady‐Amoon, P. (2014). Humanistic counseling process, outcomes, and research. The Journal of Humanistic Counseling, 53(3), 218–239.
- Van Bilsen, H. P. (2016). Lessons to be learned from the oldest community psychiatric service in the world: Geel in Belgium. BJPsych Bulletin, 40(4), 207–211.
- Van der Stouwe, E.C.D., Geraets, C. N., Rutgers, M., & Veling, W. (2021) Cognitive behavioral group treatment for low self-esteem in psychosis: A proof of concept study BMC Psychiatry21, (567)
- Wijkstra, J., Lijmer, J., Burger, H., Geddes, J., & Nolen, W. A. (2013). Pharmacological treatment for psychotic depression. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 11(CD004044).